“To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.”
John Churton Collins (1848-1908), literary critic
John Churton Collins (1848-1908), literary critic
Our clients are sole proprietorships, freelance practices and medium sized companies with several hundred employees and an international focus. The focus is on the legal forms GmbH and GmbH & Co KG. Municipalities and municipal companies are among our clients as well. We also look after several hundred private customers in the areas of income tax, inheritance and gift tax as well as wealth and liquidity planning.
Based on our self-image as a comprehensively active company, we offer you primary services, as you would expect from your tax advisor or auditor as your direct contact. In addition, you will also receive solution- and goal-oriented support in various areas of expertise.
In addition to our full-service offering, you can rely on our many years of expertise in the following specialist areas in particular: